Wednesday, December 5, 2012
So we are still on LDSFS website and I am feeling so discouraged we have not had any inquiries. I hate feeling that way, because I know the Lord knows what he is doing, and I just have to put my faith in him. I know that he has a plan for us, and I am happy with the way our life is going. I have never been so happy and stressed at the same time. I love the Lord and am so grateful for all the many blessings that he has giving me and I would not change our situation ever, because of how much growth I have gained through this whole experience. I just have always wanted a big family and I know the only way to grow it is through adoption. So that's all I have to say.
Foster parents
Well we are Foster Parents! It is such an awesome program. When children need temporary or permanent parents it is so amazing that we can be there for them. There are so many things that I want to post on this blog that I am not allowed to so I will be taking a break from the blog so that I do not accidentally say something to get myself into trouble!
Monday, November 5, 2012
So life has been pretty ho drum at The Blauer's. We have just been going to school and Josh has been working. We both got new callings in church so that is exciting. Josh is the Sunday School teacher for the youth, he just barely got called so he does 't know what it will be like. I got called to be the primary chorister. This calling is so much fun, I forgot about how much I love music and teaching kids new songs is fun. It blows my mind how little songs they know so each week I teach them a new song. They are going to get overwhelmed, but they will know the songs dang it! I get stressed that I will bore the kids so my teaching ideas are pretty elaborate. I might have to tone it down. I just love my calling so much though.
Our other exciting news is that we are so close to being Foster parents. We have one thing left before we are approved! The state has already said we are good and can have up to 3 children in our home. Now our letters of recommendations just need to come-in and we are ready! I just cannot wait to get a phone call saying their is a kid who needs us!
Our other exciting news is that we are so close to being Foster parents. We have one thing left before we are approved! The state has already said we are good and can have up to 3 children in our home. Now our letters of recommendations just need to come-in and we are ready! I just cannot wait to get a phone call saying their is a kid who needs us!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
So I finally got around to doing some of the projects that have been waiting on for a while. This is an old record I found. I love funny girl so I wanted to display it. I measured it out and it was 12 1/2 by 12 1/2 so I had to buy a bigger frame and I just cut out the ribbon for decoration. I am so excited to hang it up in my theater room.
So I have been trying to figure out what to do with Josh's favorite CD inserts. He wanted to keep them, but I was sad that he did not get to see them. So I came up with this idea. I bought the frame and just pulled out the piece of paper that comes with it. I painted it orange and then got the corner picture tabs, as to not ruin the inserts. There you have it an awesome way to display them! I am excited to see what it will look like on the wall.
Adoption/ Foster care update
Today I realized that it has been over a year since we started this
adoption process. Now we are going to become foster parents, and I just
cannot believe how fast the time has gone. School (and life) will do
that to you. I am just so ready to be a mom, but I can wait until it is
my turn I just need to practice patience. I am excited to get the foster care classes over with so that
will can be official foster parents and get children placed with us!
New things
So it is Sunday and so I went to church. Today was the primary program and that was an adventure! I am pretty exhausted those sunbeams will keep you on your toes. I really do not know if I am suppose to be talking about this yet, but unofficially they are changing my calling to primary chorister. It will be exciting to get to have a new calling, and I have never really done anything with music church-wise, and i always thought the primary chorister would be fun, so here is to a new adventure. I am excited and nervous about it. Josh also got released from his Young Men's calling today, and now he is calling-less, but we will see how long that will last.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
I haven't posted for a while because nothing exciting has been happening recently. We both have started school. I am a little stressed about my program, because it is going to be a lot of hard work and finding interpreters to shadow and all that scary stuff. Now instead of a B- I am going to have to receive a b or higher. I hope I can do it!
I spent the two weeks Josh was at A.T. in Burley helping my mom and Mother-in-law do some cleaning projects it was fun! That was pretty much a whole month worth of things I did. I have been pretty boring lately. We are in Burley for Labor day and we are going to jet ski and go 4-wheeling. There was a tornado warning today, and now I know that my phone gets alerts when I am in an area where there is a warning.
In two weeks we get to go to Lagoon, we are trying to get the last out of this good weather. Hopefully we will get some good pictures this weekend that I can post.
I spent the two weeks Josh was at A.T. in Burley helping my mom and Mother-in-law do some cleaning projects it was fun! That was pretty much a whole month worth of things I did. I have been pretty boring lately. We are in Burley for Labor day and we are going to jet ski and go 4-wheeling. There was a tornado warning today, and now I know that my phone gets alerts when I am in an area where there is a warning.
In two weeks we get to go to Lagoon, we are trying to get the last out of this good weather. Hopefully we will get some good pictures this weekend that I can post.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Aryelle's baby shower
After a few months of planning the day finally got here. I did a "shower" theme with rain drops, boots, umbrellas, and clouds. We had a good time and setting up for it was pretty fun as well. Congrats Ary and Wil on the baby cannot wait to meet him or her.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Amari's blessing
This Sunday we went to little Amari's baby blessing. She looked do cute in her little blessing dress. We love getting to see our nieces and nephew all together on the same weekend we had a blast. The sad thing was that since Josh has been out of Miles's life for so long he had forgotten who he was. They were such good friends before they left, but since he has got back he has yet to warm back up to him. So after a BBQ on Saturday we were getting ready to go and Miles asked my dad. "Grandpa can Whitney and her guy friend Jerry stay?" It was funny, but Miles got mad that we laughed at his expense. Then on Sunday Josh asked him what is my name. "Stinky Uncle Josh" progress right? No. He then called him Uncle Jerry again trying to get his attention. I laughed he got mad. but then we were like it is ok you were teasing Josh right you know his name. Now they are back to being buddies again just in time for them to move to Oregon. We are pretty bummed they are leaving. I got to see Bray and Miles grow up, I am bummed we will miss little Amari growing up, but oh well we will just have to be happy about getting to see them on the holidays. We love being an aunt and uncle it is where a lot of our fun comes from. We cannot wait to have our own!
We had our Doug Blauer family reunion a little while ago and it was so fun! It was Josh and my year to plan. We had everybody come down Friday night and we went out to dinner at B-dubs. The Saturday morning we went and rented out EP for an hour and a half. It was so awesome I love getting to go there and just run around! Then we went to Outer Limits and played laser tag. We had a blast! Then we hung out swam. played games, had a nice BBQ. We finished it up with a fun day on the mountains riding 4-whellers. All-in-all it was awesome I love having such a great time with people we love.
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Fun at EP |
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Adoption update. We just finished filling out all of our profile things, and we were ready to call Chad, our social worker, to see what we needed to do next when low and behold this morning he had e-mailed us and said we needed one more document, and then you will officially be on the website. So I told Josh to send in the document and we were so excited until Chad e-mailed us back and said that he was mistaken. He told us that our bishop letter was not in yet. I was a little upset, Josh is calling him tonight and if he does not have it in by Friday I think he might be a little scared to find me standing on his porch with a pen and the paper. I am just so excited to get on the list, and this is the last thing so I am very anxious to get it done. Wish us luck, we could not be happier to be this close to getting approved!
Yes! We have new appliances. The appliances that came with the house i.e. the Stove, dishwasher, and microwave were of course new, but we bought our own washer, dryer, and fridge. We got the fridge for $50 dollars from PNHS when we bought the house. and I had to scrub mold out of it. I have always been a little weary of that fridge, so it is nice to get rid of it, oh and it was like 20 years old. Our dryer and washer were free from a friends parents, but there were also old and had seen better days. The washer would stink up the whole house when you would use it. I am running the new washer and the house smells great! I am so happy! I can not believe I am saying this, but I am looking forward to doing laundry from now on. HOORAY!!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Memorial Day
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I am so proud of you Joshua! |
We went to Burley on Wendsday night to go to Braelyn's HS graduation. We got her a bathroom themed gift. We also got her boyfriend, Biff, a movie themed present, but I forgot to take a picture. It was nice, and sad, to get to be there and watch them receive their diplomas. I was so proud of them!
We stayed in Burley, and at 10 AM we went to Braylee's Kindergarten graduation. That was so sad. It is one of the last things we well get to really be part of, because they are moving to Oregon. I was so proud of her too! We went out to lunch afterwards, and she jumped in my arms and I held her forever. I am going to miss that sweet little girl, she is my best friend after all.
Then that night we went to Thaynie's graduation. Declo has such small graduations it was kind of weird to sit through, because it was so different than any other one I have been to but it was nice. I was so proud to watch Thayne graduate, but it was so sad to see that sweet little baby I remember all grown up. It made me feel old!
I am so proud of all our grads this year. Also of Sam who got his AuD this year congrats grads of 2012!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Mother's day presents
Monday, May 14, 2012
A while ago my mother-in-law gave me some random fabric she had around
and I finally decided to go through it. I found a whole bunch of random
squares and put them all together and it made a perfect baby size quilt.
So on Thursday I decided to put it together and here is the finished
project. I loved making this quilt, because I hate cutting out the squares. So all I had to do was sew them together!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Today is Mother's Day so we decided to come down to Burley to visit our mothers. I love that both Josh and I have good parents. We love our mom's and are happy that we enjoy spending time together. We decided that this year our gifts to our mom's is going to go buy them flowers and plant their flower beds for them. I have done this in years past for my mother and we have both really enjoyed it. Mother's day is a really hard day for me to get through, but I did it and hopefully someday it will be a glad day for us and not a sad one. Happy mother's day Mom and Kerina, we love you. Happy Mother's days to mothers everywhere!
Today I checked my grades for this semester and I got all A's and one B! I had to get my GPA up .03 points to stay in my program, and instead of just .03 I brought it up .11. I am so happy so now all I need to do is keep getting B's or higher in my program class and I am golden. I am so excited.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Oh technology
The other day I was helping my mom clean out her computer room, and I found a thing of floppy disks so I decided to check what was on them. I popped one in and my senior project was on it. I guess I did not realize how much technology has changed in seven years. I felt so old when I looked at that floppy so I went I talked to Josh about it. I asked him why I would not have used a jump drive. Then we got thinking about it, and he had a jump drive when he was in HS, but it was only 250 mgs and it cost him around 60 dollars. It made us laugh pretty hard when we were talking about it. So know when I think about it I feel so old, but I am grateful for how much technology has improved.
Our social worker just got finished with our home inspection, and he said that we passed! After a few weeks of tearing apart the whole house so that we could throw out things we do not need, we finally got it perfect. We went and bought our fire extinguisher. We got locks on the guns. We locked up all of our chemicals. Our house looks pretty good! We are super exited to be finished with the inspection, and cannot wait to get on the list.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Well the time has come for our home study. It is tomorrow. Once our case worker has done our home assessment, we just have to wait for about ten days to get approved and on the list. We are so thrilled to get this process done so that we can get on the list. So far this process has been such a breeze. LDSFS is so helpful with getting everything figured out, and helping us get approved. So in 11 days we are hoping to get a phone call saying that we are on the list. Then all we have to do is wait for someone to choose us! Yeah!
After all the stress and work I got into the Educational Interpreting program! There is a catch though I have to get my GPA up by .03 points, by next year or else I am out. So I have to get good grades. I had my last final on Wednesday, and then I was finally done with this semester. I do not know what it is about Spring semester, but it is so much harder than Fall semester to stay motivated. I think it is all the warm weather, it goes to my head. I guess I can never live any place warm or else I will get nothing done! Anyway I finished my Geology final, one of the hardest generals I have ever taken, and got an 83. I was so excited! It meant that I passed that class with a B! That means this semester I got good grades which is what I need, oh yeah! I am also done with all my generals, forever.
We have to introduce our prides and joy, because they are going to be in a big chunk of this blog. We think everything they do is perfect, and so we take a lot of pictures of them. Whitney is just like a mom taking pictures of her kids, because they are our kids! :)

Bean he is our stubborn dog. He took forever to train to listen, but now he listens pretty well. This does not mean that he is still not stubborn though. We got Bean when he was 6 months old, Whitney needed someone to love on. So we decided it was time to get a puppy. Man do we love this perfect little guy! Oh and his face is so dirty, because he just decided he wanted to slurp out of a milkshake cup, he got a bath after that, because he was really sticky!
Our baby Ender. We got him when he was 6 weeks old, and he has been SO fun. He is so cuddly and sweet if you need someone to keep your lap warm he is your guy. We just love him so much!
Now here he is all grown up. He really did not want Whitney to do her homework that day. This picture was just the first time he laid on top of her books.
We know this may sound silly to people who do not have dogs, they have children instead, but we feel so blessed to have such amazing dogs in our home. They are so well behaved, and comforting we could not have asked for better!

Bean he is our stubborn dog. He took forever to train to listen, but now he listens pretty well. This does not mean that he is still not stubborn though. We got Bean when he was 6 months old, Whitney needed someone to love on. So we decided it was time to get a puppy. Man do we love this perfect little guy! Oh and his face is so dirty, because he just decided he wanted to slurp out of a milkshake cup, he got a bath after that, because he was really sticky!
Our baby Ender. We got him when he was 6 weeks old, and he has been SO fun. He is so cuddly and sweet if you need someone to keep your lap warm he is your guy. We just love him so much!
Now here he is all grown up. He really did not want Whitney to do her homework that day. This picture was just the first time he laid on top of her books.
We know this may sound silly to people who do not have dogs, they have children instead, but we feel so blessed to have such amazing dogs in our home. They are so well behaved, and comforting we could not have asked for better!
I, Whitney, was working on my ASL final presentation the other day, and I used this picture in it. It made me think back about our wedding. It was such a beautiful March day. I was excited, because I was turning 21 and marrying the man of my dreams (what a perfect b-day present). The ceremony was so beautiful, I cried through most of it, and if you know anything about me you would not expect any less than a ton of tears shed. I cry through everything I should probably get that looked at :). Then it was so fun getting to take pictures with Josh we always have so much fun, and this was no different. Amazing, Amazing day, oh until I got Bronchitis and was sick the whole honeymoon, but it was still fun. Now 4 years later and though sometimes it is not all peaches and gravy, I'm still glad I got such a perfect day and I love being married to my wonderful husband!
Oh Photo shop! Thanks Kari love it
I was cleaning out my e-mail the other day and I found this! It was last years Johnson family reunion, when Josh was deployed to Iraq. So of course he was not in the picture seeing as we were all in Showlow, Arizona and he was well in Iraq. So Kari (the one holding the little blond, Miles) decided that she would add him to our photo. So I opened up an E-mail and here was this awesome Photoshop image of him with us. I laughed so hard I thought it was hilarious! I also thought it was sweet she would do this. I forgot all about it, and when I finally found it the other day I decided I had to share it.
We did it! We finally started a blog. There is an ulterior motive behind it, but we are also excited to have one because i wanted to find a way to document my thoughts and life with Joshua. Our lives are just so perfect, and we are just so happy! Even if no one ever sees this at least I can know that it is documented somewhere what a perfect way to show our amazing life together, a blog, sweet, were excited.
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