Sunday, May 6, 2012


I, Whitney, was working on my ASL final presentation the other day, and I used this picture in it. It made me think back about our wedding. It was such a beautiful March day. I was excited, because I was turning 21 and marrying the man of my dreams (what a perfect b-day present). The ceremony was so beautiful, I cried through most of it, and if you know anything about me you would not expect any less than a ton of tears shed. I cry through everything I should probably get that looked at :). Then it was so fun getting to take pictures with Josh we always have so much fun, and this was no different. Amazing, Amazing day, oh until I got Bronchitis and was sick the whole honeymoon, but it was still fun. Now 4 years later and though sometimes it is not all peaches and gravy, I'm still glad I got such a perfect day and I love being married to my wonderful husband!

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