We went to Burley on Wendsday night to go to Braelyn's HS graduation. We got her a bathroom themed gift. We also got her boyfriend, Biff, a movie themed present, but I forgot to take a picture. It was nice, and sad, to get to be there and watch them receive their diplomas. I was so proud of them!
We stayed in Burley, and at 10 AM we went to Braylee's Kindergarten graduation. That was so sad. It is one of the last things we well get to really be part of, because they are moving to Oregon. I was so proud of her too! We went out to lunch afterwards, and she jumped in my arms and I held her forever. I am going to miss that sweet little girl, she is my best friend after all.
Then that night we went to Thaynie's graduation. Declo has such small graduations it was kind of weird to sit through, because it was so different than any other one I have been to but it was nice. I was so proud to watch Thayne graduate, but it was so sad to see that sweet little baby I remember all grown up. It made me feel old!
I am so proud of all our grads this year. Also of Sam who got his AuD this year congrats grads of 2012!
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