Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Adoption update. We just finished filling out all of our profile things, and we were ready to call Chad, our social worker, to see what we needed to do next when low and behold this morning he had e-mailed us and said we needed one more document, and then you will officially be on the website. So I told Josh to send in the document and we were so excited until Chad e-mailed us back and said that he was mistaken. He told us that our bishop letter was not in yet. I was a little upset, Josh is calling him tonight and if he does not have it in by Friday I think he might be a little scared to find me standing on his porch with a pen and the paper. I am just so excited to get on the list, and this is the last thing so I am very anxious to get it done. Wish us luck, we could not be happier to be this close to getting approved!

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