Sunday, May 6, 2012


After all the stress and work I got into the Educational Interpreting program! There is a catch though I have to get my GPA up by .03 points, by next year or else I am out. So I have to get good grades.  I had my last final on Wednesday, and then I was finally done with this semester. I do not know what it is about Spring semester, but it is so much harder than Fall semester to stay motivated. I think it is all the warm weather, it goes to my head. I guess I can never live any place warm or else I will get nothing done! Anyway I finished my Geology final, one of the hardest generals I have ever taken, and got an 83. I was so excited! It meant that I passed that class with a B! That means this semester I got good grades which is what I need, oh yeah! I am also done with all my generals, forever.

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