Saturday, September 1, 2012


I haven't posted for a while because nothing exciting has been happening recently. We both have started school. I am a little stressed about my program, because it is going to be a lot of hard work and finding interpreters to shadow and all that scary stuff. Now instead of a B- I am going to have to receive a b or higher. I hope I can do it!
I spent the two weeks Josh was at A.T. in Burley helping my mom and Mother-in-law do some cleaning projects it was fun! That was pretty much a whole month worth of things I did. I have been pretty boring lately. We are in Burley for Labor day and we are going to jet ski and go 4-wheeling.  There was a tornado warning today, and now I know that my phone gets alerts when I am in an area where there is a warning.
In two weeks we get to go to Lagoon, we are trying to get the last out of this good weather.  Hopefully we will get some good pictures this weekend that I can post. 

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