Bean he is our stubborn dog. He took forever to train to listen, but now he listens pretty well. This does not mean that he is still not stubborn though. We got Bean when he was 6 months old, Whitney needed someone to love on. So we decided it was time to get a puppy. Man do we love this perfect little guy! Oh and his face is so dirty, because he just decided he wanted to slurp out of a milkshake cup, he got a bath after that, because he was really sticky!
Our baby Ender. We got him when he was 6 weeks old, and he has been SO fun. He is so cuddly and sweet if you need someone to keep your lap warm he is your guy. We just love him so much!
Now here he is all grown up. He really did not want Whitney to do her homework that day. This picture was just the first time he laid on top of her books.
We know this may sound silly to people who do not have dogs, they have children instead, but we feel so blessed to have such amazing dogs in our home. They are so well behaved, and comforting we could not have asked for better!
Love your doggies