Monday, July 2, 2012

Amari's blessing

This Sunday we went to little Amari's baby blessing. She looked do cute in her little blessing dress. We love getting to see our nieces and nephew all together on the same weekend we had a blast. The sad thing was that since Josh has been out of Miles's life for so long he had forgotten who he was. They were such good friends before they left, but since he has got back he has yet to warm back up to him. So after a BBQ on Saturday we were getting ready to go and Miles asked my dad. "Grandpa can Whitney and her guy friend Jerry stay?" It was funny, but Miles got mad that we laughed at his expense. Then on Sunday Josh asked him what is my name. "Stinky Uncle Josh" progress right? No. He then called him Uncle Jerry again trying to get his attention. I laughed he got mad. but then we were like it is ok you were teasing Josh right you know his name. Now they are back to being buddies again just in time for them to move to Oregon. We are pretty bummed they are leaving. I got to see Bray and Miles grow up, I am bummed we will miss little Amari growing up, but oh well we will just have to be happy about getting to see them on the holidays. We love being an aunt and uncle it is where a lot of our fun comes from. We cannot wait to have our own!

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