Sunday, July 10, 2016

Greyson 46 weeks 7/7/16

We went for the 4th weekend to hang out with our families. We went down on Saturday so that Grandma and Grandpa B and Brae could babysit you while we went on a date. We were getting ready to go to the movies and I felt your head and you were burning up. So we tried to get you some medicine, but it was the wrong kind and I was worried to leave you. Grandma told us just to take off for dinner and they would watch you for the time it took for dinner. So we went and got some Shon Hing. Then we went to the store and bought you medicine and bought some fruit. The teething is just really kicking your butt. Then Monday morning we went to the 4th of July parade in Rupert, you liked all the loud trucks, but did not like that you had to sit still with us. Then we went and hung out with and G Peterson. You feel on the piano and got 2 big lumps on your head. We went to your other Grandparents and hung out with Hunter. We had a yummy 4th dinner. It was an awesome time.

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