Saturday the 11th we went to Katie Powell's baby shower. Daddy was at Drill so I took you with me. You are such a busy little dude. When they blew up balloons and put them in the circle where we were sitting and you went crazy. You would crawl into them and put your head down and push them around with your head. Then someone left a to-go cup on the ground and you grabbed the straw out, so I ran over and put it up. I apparently did not put it up high enough, because you found it again. Yucky. We hung around for a while, you tipped over some water, we played games and it was a pretty fun time. then on the night of the 15th I left to go to Ogden and left you alone with Daddy. He thought he would have better help if he went to Burley. So the two of you went to Burley together, and you were a wreck. The first night daddy tried to put you in the pack and play, but you would have none of that. So you slept in his arms. Then you were just fussy and needy the whole time you were there. You were also not warming up to Grandma Kerina, which was really weird. If dad left the room you would freak out, and scream cry. turns out you were teething. No wonder you were so grumpy. Every time I would Face time you, you would happy laugh so hard. You would sit and look at me laughing and stop doing whatever you were doing. It made my day !

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