On Tuesday the 28th you decided that it was time to start going down the backstairs on your own. We arrived home from errands and I had to run and go potty. I usually shut of the gate so you do not go outside, but I totally spaced. When I came out of the bathroom a few minutes later you were down the steps playing in the yard! I had no idea how you did it. Then Wednesday night I was eating dinner while you played on the porch. You just stand next to the railing and slowly put your foot down and freaking walk down the stairs. I hate it! It is terrifying. On Wednesday we went to family story time and they had a music class. You are such a boy! There were 3 girls and 2 boys (you included) that were all about the same age. The girls sat and did the activities nicely, where as the boys were always up and wanting to run around and go crazy! Daddy has been gone all week again. We did get to go play in the park with him on Saturday though. We tried out your new light up shoes for the 1st time and you hated them. You despise wearing shoes and I am trying so hard to get you to wear them. Once they are on, you just sit there rubbing them together back and forth trying to get them off. You have now decided that after only 2-4 days of real walking you are ready to run. It is wild and intense and it scares the living daylights out of me. You are such an explorer. When we were checking out at the supermarket, I put you down because you were freaking out. Then you tried to crawl under the cart and got stuck and the cashier had to lift the cart up while I pulled you out. People probably think I am the worst mom, thanks a bunch you busy, little, handsome, guy. Oh and now you decided that eating like a dog is fun. You will find something you want to eat so you lay on your belly and eat it like a dog. You are learning such bad habits. Sometimes it feels like you are growing so fast and then you will stop and cuddle me and it makes it not feel as fast.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Greyson 44 Weeks 6/23/16
We had a Family reunion with the Blauer side on the 18th. This was when I discovered why you had been so grumpy for daddy. We went to Indian Hot Springs. When we were in the water I lifted you in the air and as I looked up into your mouth it looked like you had teeth. So I brought you down and looked in and could see the outline of teeth on your upper gums. So when we arrived at the family reunion everyone wanted to start by going swimming. So we took and were getting dressed. We were in this little tiny box of a dressing room. We set you down for a second to get stuff out of the bag, and you crawled right underneath the door! So e ended up not putting you down while we were in there. So I went and bought you a little yellow float raft. You were in the pool with daddy while I blew it up. After having to go get a new one, because the one I had wasn't working I finally got in there and put you in. The second we set you down you started to fall asleep. So we took you out for a little bit to play, and I went and grabbed your hat. Then we put you in, put your hat on and you immediately feel asleep. You slept the whole time and once everyone was ready to get out, you woke up. Si while everyone was getting ready I let you go play in the shallow end. You slipped and got some water up your nose and in your throat, and then we were definitely down by then. We went and ate. You met your dad's cousin, Michael, kids. All three of them are adopted as well. When Michael told this to his 6 year old, he grinned really big and he thought that was pretty cool. Around the 18th or 19th one of your bottom teeth started to really come in.
Greyson 10 months 6/20/16
You are such a big boy. You have one tooth it is on the bottom left. You also have 6 top teeth trying to come in. It was all at the same time so it as pretty intense when it was happening. You were grumpy and very snotty. You started really walking every where you go very recently. I would say today or it was on the 21st or 22nd. The places you normally would crawl to, you just pick up and walk too. It is so awesome watching you walk. You are about 21.8 pounds. You are in 12 month clothes.
Greyson's 1st Father's day 6/19/16
So we woke up and made Daddy some pancakes. They were delicious. Then we hung out and went to to Brooklyn's playground. Then we came home and made him help me put your hand prints on some paper. We made him pizza for lunch. The hand prints were for the present that we gave him. It said, Best dad ever, hands down, and the hand prints were upside down. Then we just hung out and did some laundry, because he had to leave for a week for he Army. Then we made him Portobello mushroom burgers and carrot cake for dinner. It was a very yummy day, and I am getting hungry just talking about it. It was fun, and then he left and we missed him like crazy.
Greyson 43 weeks 6/16/16
Greyson 42 weeks 6/9/16
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