Thursday, May 19, 2016

Mother's Day 5/8/16

This was my first actual Mother's Day. Daddy wasn't here so he sent me some flowers. The card was from you so thank you so much for the flowers. You and him gave me a necklace, and it is adorable. The year is wrong, but daddy is going to order me a new piece. We went to church, and we had to leave about 30 minutes early because you were losing it. Then we had lunch with Andrea and her family. Yummy vegan pizza, We fed you the crust, and you were so happy! Then you crashed in your high chair, and I was able to put you in your crib and you gave me the present of a long nap. Then Andrea came over for black bean soup. We ate chocolate cake a day early, because we couldn't wait. It was a good day.

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