You spent your whole 8 months without your daddy and now he is back, so I think 9 months will be much easier. You are 25 inches long and you weigh about 21 pounds. You are very analytical and you try do something every way you can imagine, and you don't stop until you figure it out. You are a very determined little boy! You learned to clap. You learned how to go out the doggy door, which has resulted you in taking a tumble down the concrete stairs. You have started taking interest in toys. You will actually (finally) sit and play with a toy for more than 5 seconds. The other day you played with your "tablet" for 25 minuted. I was in shock. You love eating "adult" food. You don't really care for pureed food. I gave you cashew ice cream the other day. You ate a good amount, and loved it. Then you told me when you were done by turning your head. You LOVE water, you drink so much. You also like to steal my water bottles out of my hands. You haven't quite figured out how to sleep through the night. You love to explore everything new that comes in your area, but you also know what you want, and you are determined to get to it. You love eating dog food, I would say it is your all-time favorite food. It keeps you regular so who am I to complain (oh wait I complain and tell you to stop like 100 times a day). You are growing up, and I love and hate it. You want to walk so badly, you can stand on your own for a few seconds at a time. One time you tried to follow me walking, and you just stood there crying trying to take the first step, but you couldn't manage it so I eventually had to come and pick you up. You are my world little one! I do not know what I would do without you.
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