Thursday, May 19, 2016

Greyson 38 weeks 5/12/16

We went to Burley for you to do a photo shoot. You dressed up like: Clark Kent, Superman, Dean Winchester. Sam Winchester, and Castiel. You were pretty freaking adorable, and you even let us put wigs on you.  Andrea and I took you to your first farmers market. You liked it so much that you fought going to sleep the whole time. Then you finally just feel asleep sitting up, and hunched over slightly. (I thought I got a picture but I can't find it.)  You figured out the doggy door this week, and it is ruining my life. You just do not play safe, and I worry you will get hurt. You also cannot figure out how to get back in. One morning you escaped off my bed (slid down onto the waiting pillows, I'm telling you, you are to smart for your own good). Then while I was still sleeping you went outside. I woke up to panicked crying, and banging on the back door. Your little hands were so cold. You seriously are a stinker.  We might have to get rid of the doggy door.

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