Thursday, April 21, 2016

greyson 34 weeks 4/14/16

You had your second swim lesson this week, and you LOVE the water. You splashed pretty much the whole time. Biff and Brae came to play, on Wednesday (hum sounds like a rhyme.) You decided it would be a fun idea to stay up until 1 AM. You are a little stinker!  We went to Ramp Riot this weekend with the Hutchisons and Grandpa and Grandma Blauer. We had ear protection for you. About half way through you were getting so bored. I took of the ear protection, and you were so engaged and happy to be there. Then Grandma held you and a woman behind you started to cheer like a maniac, so then you wanted Brae. When the lady cheered again only mommy would do. We had a really fun time.

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