Thursday, April 21, 2016

8 Months 4/20/16

You have found your voice. You sit and yell at everything. You hold little conversations with us, it is adorable. When people are talking all of a sudden you are yelling like you are part of the conversation. It is adorable and a little annoying at times. You are growing so big. You are almost out of your 6-9 and ready for 9-12! There are a few outfits I didn't even get to use! You love to crawl on doors, then you get stuck and I have to come rescue you. Silly little baby. Every day is a new adventure to you. You love finding new things, and putting them in your mouth. You are good at hiding things in there. You usually get caught when you start drooling profusely, or refusing your binky. I love seeing how fascinated you are by the world around you. Stop growing so fast though, it is breaking mama's heart.
of course, eating the tape from the back of the tie

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