Thursday, March 17, 2016

Greyson 29 weeks 3/10/16

Oh man you are getting an attitude! In he mornings we are to slow to get your food, and you let us know. You scream at the top of your lungs until your bottle gets there. The second I pop it in your mouth you are fine. You are still trying new foods and you don't really have any favorites so far (you still definitely prefer a bottle to solids).  You understand the sing for bottle (we are using the sign for milk). You get so excited when I ask you if you want a baba you almost jumped out of my arms once.  Your Daddy is your favorite person on the planet, hw makes you smile from ear to ear when you see him. Though this fact breaks my heart I am glad that you love him ,You still adore me as well, I just never leave so you cannot get excited when I "come back". You love yelling Dada at things. You will just sit and yell it over and over.

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