Thursday, March 31, 2016

Greyson 32 weeks 3/31/15

This Sunday you started signing baba, in the right context! It was amazing! We spent Monday in Burley. You spent 2 Mondays in a row in Burley, I don't think your grandma's minded. We wen't to lunch with Grandma Wendy. Then we hung out with Kaylee for a bit. Then Alyse and your grandparents watched you while dad and I went on a date. We went to Shon Hings and then to Batman V. Superman. Biff and Brae came up Tuesday and we hung out with them. Wednesday and today we have been cleaning and having fun. You have been pulling yourself up on things, but this week you have been crazy about it. I will leave a room to go grab something. Then I hear you crying, so I run back and you have pulled yourself up somewhere and cannot figure out how to get back down and you are stuck. Sad and adorable at the same time.

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