Thursday, March 31, 2016
Greyson 32 weeks 3/31/15
This Sunday you started signing baba, in the right context! It was amazing! We spent Monday in Burley. You spent 2 Mondays in a row in Burley, I don't think your grandma's minded. We wen't to lunch with Grandma Wendy. Then we hung out with Kaylee for a bit. Then Alyse and your grandparents watched you while dad and I went on a date. We went to Shon Hings and then to Batman V. Superman. Biff and Brae came up Tuesday and we hung out with them. Wednesday and today we have been cleaning and having fun. You have been pulling yourself up on things, but this week you have been crazy about it. I will leave a room to go grab something. Then I hear you crying, so I run back and you have pulled yourself up somewhere and cannot figure out how to get back down and you are stuck. Sad and adorable at the same time.
Easter 3/27/26
We slept right through church. All 3 of us slept in until 10. You woke up for food at 5 and ate and then we all just zonked. We defiantly needed to sleep we had such an insane week. Then we went to Burley. We had a delicious dinner (ham, macaroni salad, and baked beans) with Barkers, Hutchisons, and G and G. Then we just hung out and had a good day.
Greyson 31 weeks 3/24/16

Greyson 7 months 3/20/16

Thursday, March 17, 2016
St.Patrick's Day
Kaysen's Birthday Party
We had such a good time at your cousin's party. You were a little over-whelmed. When we got there you were sleeping, and when you woke up you were in shock to see all the people. It took you a long time to finally venture out and explore. Bubbles were pretty awesome, you loved them.
Greyson 30 weeks 3/17/16
When you get tired you get so silly. You laugh when you get kissed on the cheek. You also get really talkative. You just sit and kind of shout, and you are so smiley. We had a great time at your cousin Kaysen's 1st birthday party. You are the same size as them even though you are more than 4 months younger than them. You got to play with bubbles for the first time and you thought they were pretty great. You will not eat Green Beans and Peas to save your life. You have been having a growth spurt this last week and it has made you a big Mamma's boy and pretty grumpy, tired, and hungry. You are getting so big, I am going to need you to stop growing up. Your new favorite thing is pulling yourself up onto things. (groan) You crash and burn pretty hard if I am not diligent at watching you when you climb up things. You have started recognizing your own name. If I pull you away from something and tell you no the second I put you down you crawl as fast as you can to get back to it, stinker.
Greyson 29 weeks 3/10/16
Oh man you are getting an attitude! In he mornings we are to slow to get your food, and you let us know. You scream at the top of your lungs until your bottle gets there. The second I pop it in your mouth you are fine. You are still trying new foods and you don't really have any favorites so far (you still definitely prefer a bottle to solids). You understand the sing for bottle (we are using the sign for milk). You get so excited when I ask you if you want a baba you almost jumped out of my arms once. Your Daddy is your favorite person on the planet, hw makes you smile from ear to ear when you see him. Though this fact breaks my heart I am glad that you love him ,You still adore me as well, I just never leave so you cannot get excited when I "come back". You love yelling Dada at things. You will just sit and yell it over and over.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Greyson 28 weeks 3/3/16
Greyson 27 weeks 2/25/16
You are drinking out of bottles. It is your favorite. You try to grab every bottle in sight. You are such a little mover. You army crawl everywhere. You love rolling around. You now are aware of me and when you get upset when someone is holding you, you search for me. After they hand you over you are in a much better mood, and still wiling to play as long as I am holding you. I have waited forever to be someone's person, and I cannot be happier! I love you little man.
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
We spent your first National Reading Day/Dr.Seuss day, hanging out. We read some books and napped a bunch (as usual). You finally found food you liked (pears) still had to force you to eat it though. Grandma Wendy and Grandpa Nolan stopped by too see you. You were so happy to see them. We got out the keyboard and you loved and hated it. Daddy got you a keyboard and you are excited to play with it! You also discovered your new favorite toy, a little car that you can munch on. It was a really good day. :)
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