Saturday, February 20, 2016

Greyson 6 months

This picture was hard to take, because you are obsessed with paper, and you kept trying to eat the tie.
You have a very sassy personality, if I am not paying attention to you, you scream at the top of your lungs. Then when I look at you, you smile and pretend cough at me. You are very vocal!! If putting your clothes on takes to long you look right at me and scream. You are almost crawling. You love to be mobile, you absolutely hate being stationary.

Greyson 26 weeks 2/18/16

You are such a sweet baby. I love you so much! You still are having a hard time sleeping in your crib, you still are sleeping in my arms most of the night every night. You are obsessed with paper, like super obsessed! You found a perfume insert from a magazine. I didn't notice you have grabbed it, when I looked down it was the instant you licked it. You did not like it! I give you magazines as entertainment. We went to Utah and you had fun with Brock and Michelle's kids.

Monday, February 15, 2016

President's day

Aunt Alyse came down to see us today. We went out to lunch at 5 Guys with Nikelle. We then went and hung out at her house for a while. Then Daddy and I went to Deadpool and Aunt Alyse babysat you.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day

We got you a big puppy for Valentines. We were at Wal-mart looking for a gift for you. We put this one toward the cart, and you lost it. You were so excited! We let you play with it until we had to buy it. You are super in love with it. We had a delicious breakfast, we do not really know what we are going to do for the rest of the day, we are currently watching Firefly while you sleep on my lap.

Greyson 25 weeks 2/11/16

We gave you apple baby food mixed with rice cereal, though you didn't really love it you tolerated it, and that is all we can hope for. You are doing so much better in your crib, which is nice for mommy. You are doing really well sitting up in the highchair we got you. We are pretty surer you will be pulling yourself into sitting position pretty soon. That would be nice since once you fall over you get pretty mad.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Greyson 24 weeks 2/4/16

You became a mobile baby this week. You are rolling around like crazy.  You are interested in everything and you try to take everything from everyone. You started eating baby food about a week ago and you haven't really cared for it.  You do like plain rice cereal with formula though.

Groundhogs day

We didn't do anything. The groundhog didn't see his shadow so we are getting an early Spring.