So life has been pretty ho drum at The Blauer's. We have just been going to school and Josh has been working. We both got new callings in church so that is exciting. Josh is the Sunday School teacher for the youth, he just barely got called so he does 't know what it will be like. I got called to be the primary chorister. This calling is so much fun, I forgot about how much I love music and teaching kids new songs is fun. It blows my mind how little songs they know so each week I teach them a new song. They are going to get overwhelmed, but they will know the songs dang it! I get stressed that I will bore the kids so my teaching ideas are pretty elaborate. I might have to tone it down. I just love my calling so much though.
Our other exciting news is that we are so close to being Foster parents. We have one thing left before we are approved! The state has already said we are good and can have up to 3 children in our home. Now our letters of recommendations just need to come-in and we are ready! I just cannot wait to get a phone call saying their is a kid who needs us!